Page 7 - Noble Collection Interactive Catalog
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These Minecraft Collector Replicas unique aesthetic that’s reminiscent of
were created to imagine what your the game to add to your collection and
favorite in-game objects might look display in your home. It’s Minecraft
like brought to life. Merging the taken to the next level—bringing your
B blocky, pixelated aesthetic with blocks and virtually crafted creations
textures inspired by wood, stone to reality. Explore the world of Mine-
and precious minerals create a craft with us in a whole new way…
Diamond and redstone Ore
Collector Replicas
Diamond is one of the rarest resources
in Minecraft. So imagine your luck at
discovering some diamond ore right here!
Flaunt your fortune with this touch-sen-
sitive, illuminating block, brought to life
in the real world. 3 different light modes,
C e 3 AAA batteries required (not included),
measures approximately 4” tall.
A NN3724 minecraft™ diamond ore $35
You won’t need to travel deep under-
ground to bring this redstone ore home
with you. Let this touch-sensitive,
illuminating block of redstone ore light
up your space. 3 different light modes,
3 AAA batteries required (not included),
measures approximately 4” tall.
B NN3725 minecraft™ redstone ore $35
© 2024 Mojang AB. All Rights
Reserved. Minecraft, the Minecraft
logo, the Mojang Studios logo and
the Creeper logo are trademarks of
the Microsoft group of companies.
d f
Minecraft c NN3492 - Caves
Inventory Chests d NN3493 - Forest
e NN3495 - Plains
Add all 4 Minecraft Inventory Chests f NN3496 - The End
from Series One: Biome Discoveries
to your collection and start building
your real-world inventory today!
Each chest (sold separately) focuses
on 4 items specific to four different
in-game locations for a total of
16 unique items!
$14.99 EACH
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